Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss (The Megazine)

Publication accompanying the multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention that is 'Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss'.
SKU: PA008
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The “Megazine” is the CODEX Foundation’s major publication for Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss, widely available in early 2021. Like the Extraction Project itself, this book is many different things at once. Partly a group catalog of extraction-related artwork, each artist or creator’s individual contribution documents their own personal investigations into the extraction question, addressing a specific issue or set of issues under the broader umbrella of the Extraction Project. The project is by no means limited to the visual arts—in these pages you will also find poetry, critical writings, philosophical treatises, manifestos, musical scores, conversations, historical or found photographs, and much more. The words and images collected here can thus be seen as discrete stories and aesthetic investigations that nonetheless make up part of a larger ongoing story in which we are all participants (the reader included).

Edited by Samuel Pelts, 648 pages

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